Shocking Hardstyle Leads For Serum
Shocking Hardstyle Leads For Serum brings you 94 cutting-edge world-famous patches, and experimental sounds to develop your signature style. A huge library ranging from beautiful presets to hard-hitting sounds, MIDI Loops & Custom Wavetables. Every preset has a lot of details. We made sure to explore the boundaries of Serum capabilities. This set is focused mostly on lead sounds, but you can find there much more presets, such as unique Screeches that immediately fill your track, big Drums, lush Pads and wonderful Plucks!
Product details
• 94 Xfer Records Serum VSTi Presets • 64 Lead Sounds • 5 Pluck Sounds • 5 Pad Sounds • 16 Screeches Sounds • 4 Drum Sounds Synth • 10 Wavetables • 48 MIDI Loops • 4 Macro Controls Assigned • ModWheel Assigned • 100% Royalty-Free
Requirements: This soundset requires Xfer Records Serum 1.350 or higher.
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