
About Vocals

These are 100% royalty-free vocals that can be used in both your non-commercial and commercial releases. Written by top songwriters and recorded by great vocalists, they are provided in high quality and with attention to detail. Browse through thousands of vocal samples spanning various genres, styles, singers, and languages, available in both DRY and WET formats. This is the right place to find the best vocal packs suitable for all electronic music!

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6095 sound(s) found

Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 04 High DRY
Gm Deep House 125
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 04 Lead DRY
Gm Deep House 125
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 04 Loop WET
Gm Deep House 125
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 01 Lead DRY
Gm Deep House 124
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 01 Backing DRY
Gm Deep House 124
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 02 Lead DRY
F#m Deep House 120
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 03 Full DRY
Am Deep House 122
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 03 Backing WET
Am Deep House 122
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 03 Dub DRY
Am Deep House 122
Ultra Deep House Vocals 2 03 High DRY
Am Deep House 122
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