Spire Presets

About Spire Presets

Discover the best sounds for Spire. Our unique presets cover all EDM genres, ensuring you have the perfect sound for any track. Elevate your music production with our top-rated soundbanks for Revealed Sound Spire , designed to bring professional sounds to your mixes.

Newest releases

1072 sound(s) found

Name Sound Preview Plugin Version Actions
LEAD Chapel
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Circles
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Coded
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Constelation
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Crowd Control
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Cyber World
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Echoes In The Night
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Extinct
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Forgiveness
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
LEAD Hitman
LEAD Techno Spire 1.5.17
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